The Location and Orientation of a Greenhouse

The location and orientation of a greenhouse determine the amount of light that enters it.
Determining the best location to erect the greenhouse is an important decision.
A suitable greenhouse location will include a spot where the sun hits the greenhouse all day long and no shadows are cast on the greenhouse.
Greenhouses can be classified as free-standing or gutter-connected.

A free-standing greenhouse can have a quonset (hoop), gothic, or gable roof shape.
A gutter-connected greenhouse is a series of bays with gable or quonset arches connected together at the gutter level.
Structural members, used for the greenhouse “skeleton”, must be strong enough to prevent structural failure during adverse weather conditions but be kept to a minimum size and number to reduce the amount of shading and to provide for maximum light transmission.

The framing of the structure is made of aluminum, galvanized steel, PVC pipe, or such woods as redwood, cedar, or cypress.
A greenhouse has a large expanse of glazing on its sides and roof so that the plants are exposed to natural light for much of the day.
Glass has been the traditional glazing material, but plastic films, such as polyethylene or polyvinyl, and fibreglass or polycarbonate are increasingly used.

When deciding your traditional greenhouse or high tunnel orientation, you will want to make sure it is an area that receives plenty of light.
The ideal location would be south or southeast of any existing structures.
If that is not an option, the next best location would be east of existing structures to capture the most winter light.
It is best to avoid building around trees that will block out too much sunlight. Trees and high prevailing winds can be a source of weather damage if trees are planted too closely to the hoop house or greenhouse.

When selecting the best greenhouse orientation, always default to what is best for drainage while avoiding shading from other structures.

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